From the moment I saw you peeking out from behind a large stack of magazines in the Milan airport it was love at first sight. And I have been fortunate to find you over and over again somewhere between the home decor and craft departments at my local B&N. Oh,
Marie Claire Idees you are just perfect, too bad I can't read French! You are eye candy, with both contemporary and traditional photographs that will inspire everyone. Things for home, self, children, gifts - I never tire of you. Someday I will be able to read you - until then I will still cherish and enjoy you.
Love the magazine month after month. And I have now discovered a quilt magazine called
Quilt Mania (okay, it's not new but it is new to me.) Printed in France, it has the wonderful photography and eye catching layouts that I love, and best of all it is printed in English! I can't stop looking at the latest issue. I 'borrowed' it from
my store to 'review'. I don't know if I want to put it back for sale. It features traditional and art quilts, a Japanese exhibit, and even has a pattern included. My kids are going back to school tomorrow. I vow to make time to read a bit more of this magazine. And I don't need a translator.